The Moscow Seasons cycle of urban street festivals is a concept of decorating urban areas and fair spaces by season, which was developed based on the analysis of the international urban design experience and adjusted for the climatic conditions of Moscow.
The main objectives underlying the project:

• To create a new appearance of the city, which will harmoniously combine the traditional decoration for public holidays, other city events and various fairs; it was proposed to decorate the areas and walking routes between the venues with art objects. To develop the decoration techniques and select new art objects for urban areas by season, which made it possible to organize a single visually harmonious perception of the urban space.

• To create a new modern atmosphere and to decorate the city for every season. Implementation of new approaches and methods of urban areas decoration made it possible to create a new type of public space – bright, life-affirming and matching the level of a modern metropolis
Moscow seasons 2016
Tel.: 8-916-394-88-84
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