In October 2011, for the first time in the history of large-scale mass events, the capital hosted Moscow International Festival of Light. The event creative idea was based on the «Circle of Light» name, which is explained not only by the specifics of Moscow urban planning structure, but also addresses the etymology of the word «circle» – unifying, constructive. The main festival venue was Red Square, the lighting ensemble of which included the GUM, Spasskaya Tower, the Historical Museum and the Kremlin Wall, Manege Square with the Moscow Hotel and the Manege Central Exhibition Hall, St. Basil's Cathedral and Gorky Park.
The following programs were demonstrated during the festival:
Multimedia shows – programs on the building facades with an end-to-end video storyline in accordance with the approved theme, including dynamic light effects with a score from musical compositions.
Lighting installations – programs on the building facades based on a combination of lighting effects in accordance with the approved theme, which turned each object into a light painting.
Moscow international festival of light 2011
Spatial light installations and art objects – programs with dynamic lighting in landscape areas.
Two festival competitions – Video Art for professionals and Light Laboratory for young designers – served as an overview of the future light art, design, and architecture.
The Circle of Light festival has become, without exaggeration, a unique event in the cultural life of Moscow and the whole country.
Tel.: 8-916-394-88-84
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Address: 15c1 Petrovka str., Moscow